* Provide support and strategies to deal with depression/anxiety
* Eliminate self-harm behaviors (e.g. cutting) and/or suicidal thoughts
* Assist with relationship difficulties, including peer, school and family challenges
* Teach stress management and coping strategies
* Replace defiant behavior towards adults with respect and cooperation
* Strengthen social skills
* Support and increase insight about divorce/separation of caretakers
* Provide support with grief/loss issues
* Improve self-esteem
* Help with understanding the development of one's identity
* Offer guidance with learning and skill deficits
* Provide support with trauma and/or abuse concerns
* Develop organizational skills
* Learn how to cope with disabilities, illness or injury
* Help with future planning (e.g. career, work, graduation transition)
Adolescent Services (ages 15-17)
How Can Counseling Help?
We are not here to be a drop, a drip, to make a splash or be a ripple. We're here to make waves in an ocean of infinite possibilities. - Spike Humer